6922 Amperex PQ White label... D or O-getter? Holland or Hicksville?

Much has been written about the Amperex 5922/6D8J/E88CC. What's the concensus about the top choice for the meatiest, richest midrange? 
My Amperex USN-CEPs, have the large O getter.     Their midrange warmth is the singular reason, I’m not using them.     Everything else is presented, as realistically as my CCa’s.     That’s why I’ve had them in the drawer, all this time.     I thought at some point, my tastes might change(far as warming things up).
@rodman99999 , I checked my records and the USN Amperex only have large O getters. I had a pair of USN 6922s and returned them since they didn’t have an extended low-end. They weren’t too warm; maybe it’s the higher voltage of the 7308 that adds the warmth and richness to the tube.

Here’s my take on Amperex US vs. Holland 6922 PQ...
US is more focused and extended.
Heerlen, Holland has smoother highs and sweeter mids.

I can say for sure that the Holland 7308 Amperex PQ and Philips SQ have a fuller sound from top to bottom with deep liquid mids.

Edit...very lively tubes.

I should try to remember, when describing the sound/presentation of a component, to add, ".....in my system and listening room, to my ears."