So then I kindly ask which SS pre-amps are you aware that meet these ideals that you mentioned earlier?
I don't keep track of them but as I mentioned earlier its usually pretty easy to tell if the preamp supports the standard. If it has RCAs in addition to XLRs as main outputs, and does not have either an output transformer or switch to go between the two outputs, then it does not support the standard. You can also ask the manufacturer of course; sometimes they will know but IME sometimes they won't; I've found many that don't seem to know that the standard exists.
But to be clear, stuff can sound just fine if it doesn't meet the standard- the ARC Ref3 is a good example as are the Pass Labs preamps. But you will find that you have to be more careful about the interconnect (which might cost as much as the preamp itself) and you could also run into ground loop issues. The insidious thing about a ground loop is they can cause degradation of the sound without making themselves known by obvious symptoms like a buzz. These are the things that balanced operation is meant to solve!
So if the preamp isn't going to support the standard, IMO/IME you are just as well off exploring single-ended preamps too.
Its the lack of support of the balanced line standard in high end audio that is why there is controversy in high end about which sounds better. All I can say to that is if you hear balanced line done right, there's no going back! But to do it really right, you have to support the standard.
While Ayre has always made excellent sounding products IMO, their preamps don't appear to support the standard- every one that I've seen has a single-ended output beside the balanced output.