Great country recording

Hi all, I am looking for some great country recording albums by various artists. Really like the sound of steel guitar, acoustic guitar, fiddle, and of course vocals. Any recommendations? Thanks
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You got me doing random needle drops.  Nothing, sorry to say, was of true audiophile quality.  The Will the Circle Be Unbroken LPs were particularly disappointing   First pressings.  Got 'em the week they came out.  Scratchy vocals.  Instrumental tonality could be good, but the overall sense was that the producers never quite found a magical microphone placement.  Ergo, soundstaging was never more than decent. 

Shockingly, probably my best-sounding record was Portrait of Patsy Cline, a greatest hits compilation on what is obviously an MCA reissue.  The backup instrumentals were largely locked either to the left or right but they had good tonality & reasonable dynamics.  Patsy, meantime, sounded clean and lovely at her solo mike.  I reiterate, too, that my Johnny Cash record sounds pretty good.

And oh yeah, I've probably mentioned this a dozen times here, but I play guitar, banjo, fiddle and piano.  My wife plays guitar & banjo, and does more than her share of vocalizing.
Put Ian Tyson's "Cowboyography" on your list. He originally released in western Caanada thinking maybe it wouldn't go much further. But it did!
give it a listen. Joe