If an item is priced to sell you will not have to deal with low-ballers because it will sell before they get a chance to even see your ad. That is why explicitly saying "Price is firm" is unnecessary. It just makes you look stubborn and will scare away potential buyers.
When I am buying USED items UNSEEN I need to have a very strong positive feeling about the seller. Gimmicky pricing, stubborn language, incomplete details all detract from that happening..
Any price with a 9 in it or has more than 2 significant digits is gimmicky in my book.
When I am buying USED items UNSEEN I need to have a very strong positive feeling about the seller. Gimmicky pricing, stubborn language, incomplete details all detract from that happening..
Any price with a 9 in it or has more than 2 significant digits is gimmicky in my book.