New Yamaha integrated amps

Just a few days ago I checked the Yamaha site to see if they really were releasing a new S lineup. I read somewhere (maybe Reddit or here) that they were going to release updated S series integrated amps. Well, I checked again tonight, and voila! There they are---the new A-S1200, 2200 and 3200 (flagship). I'm in the process of looking for a new integrated and the 2100 was on my radar. I'd like to see what's different on these. I bet the older models will have some sweet deals. Has anyone seen or heard them yet! 
I'm not sure why Parasound is put down sometimes. 

My question is why Yamaha is put down sometimes.

I think the Yamaha is considered consumer audio, being the major brand it is. I demoed the Parasound Halo before I bought my Yamaha AS2100. I thought the Parasound sounded great. The salesman was pushing it really hard, which turns me off. I started reading reviews about the Yamaha and they were positive but not a lot of places have them available for demo. What eventually made me choose the Yamaha was price. I had a friend who could get me the Yamaha at dealer cost. I bought it without demo, knowing I could return it. Still have it, no regrets, very solid build great sound. I'm sure there are other great integrated amps out there too, I'm happy.
I just got an A-S301 and couldn't be happier.  It is tubey, like someone above mentioned, very laid back.  If I ever need a bigger integrated for my main rig, i would definitely look into Yamaha's bigger options.  
Well, the resources Yamaha has at its disposal should bring something interesting at least. If not releasing anything outerwordly, at least the prices are much more reasonable than the high end industry got used to charge unashamedly.I'd love to see Yamaha bringing some floorstanding speakers displaying the same technologies used in the NS-5000 bookshelves (problably the best standmount commercial speakers available?).