Cary Audio CAD-280SA V12R

Anyone heard one of these? from R to I series upgrade? I'm looking for an amp
that sounds great, but able to use 6L6s - KT90s.  Single Ended or Push-Pull.
This seems to be pretty easy to swap drivers for signature change, currently
has EL34 valves, Red Rubies? stockers. 
FR from 20hz - 23KHZ, really great specs, fully balanced.
Anyone know about these V12s
Also, the 3A Filament Fuse should be a 4A slow blow. Cary printed the wrong value on the back of the unit. In the schematic for the V12R is confirms it should be a 4A slow blow.

The fuse is a 4 amp SB, now, had a 5 amp in it, I pulled all the fuses and replaced them.  I've bias with a mono 1/4" male splitter with 2 RCAs hook one lead to the outside RCA and the other to the inside via a probe.  That's when I learned 210ma sounds ok but 230-240 at lower volume is just as sweet as they come.  I'm really liking 6L6 cheapo valves Solvex.  Only valve that going from single to UL sounds better.  I like the sound better for certain music, especially old country western, or big band stuff. Haven't  heard anything that sounds bad other than a bad recording, got a few of those..

At 100.00 + an hour at Cary, I can do a little work myself.. Suppose to be almost bulletproof, amp, I need it..

I'd like to see the upgrades too, there are some clusters of diodes two sets of three that look to be hexfred, at least when I looked them up.

Is it a power supply upgrade? I had Samra do a C20 with Schottkys, PIOs, and a few Teflons.  Quietest point to point, I've ever had.. and the most musical. Just no remote...  I like a remote.

aren't you exceeding max plate voltage running 6V6s in the V-12?seem to recall max plate voltage of 285tks

352 posts
04-13-2020 10:42am
aren't you exceeding max plate voltage running 6V6s in the V-12?seem to recall max plate voltage of 285tks

Not sure, to tell the truth. I can tell you this, they sound pretty darn good.
No failures, no red plating, no fuse blowing. Run cool as a be. AND a cool looking valve too.  Dropped 30 degrees from using KT88, 20 from EL34 and 6L6. I ran them 24 hours checked the bias via led twice, held the bias. I left them in for over 48 hours.. never an issue.. Sound was little thin, low mids and HF not quite as controlled.  The real pleaser was the 6L6s, cheapo valves maybe 100.00 or so..Under 200.00 for both sets one of 12 6V6s and 16 6L6s.

I have two more caps swaps in mind, The supreme EVO silver/gold and  supreme EVO silver/gold oils. Never used them, I want to try them. Other than that. One neat amp.. Very well made

I'm looking at a swap with a guy, he's got Cary (?) AES Six Pacs
setting in a box not using them..

I have a MC240 in so so shape. I know what I paid for mine. 
I still have two more 240s in better shape. Why Not?

Wonder how the V12 and Six Pacs compare. Anyone?

The Hexfreds just added a little faster/tighter bass in my former V12R.  I felt having the right coupling caps and interconnects was most rewarding. Overall, the stock EL34 Ruby (Shuguang made EL34BSTR) tubes were great.  If you change too many things at once you'll never know. As for the manual, the last version was never updated for fuses.