Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 

Ya know, a friend of mine brought up a wonderful idea regarding this question. If you’re buying a piece of gear, especially from a single independent seller, that is selling a beloved piece of gear just to get by and survive during these difficult times, to give them the option of buying back the piece in the next year for the same price you bought it for. That way your “new” piece of gear is basted in bad juju. By then, you will likely be looking to upgrade anyway, and the original seller is probably unlikely to ask for it back. At least that way, your conscience and moral compass will still be alright and still intact.

Just a thought. Take it how you will.

" As for using google, really. "
Guess this was really helpful

"I have picked up some pieces that I’d been eying for awhile in last month. Prefer not to mention the dealers "

Bunch of drama queens. Yes, there's lots of bargains. Just bought a chord qutest at a nice price. It's a buyers market and if you have the scratch, itch it. 
Call ANY vendor, tell them what YOU want to spend, and negotiate.

The state of affairs obviously are in YOUR favor right now. Appears it will be that way too, for awhile?
Been there and tried that. Most I was offered was a measly 5% discount. Local dealer with the local economy. I’ll hunt for it online instead.

What is the average mark up on streamer/servers anyway?
Also, I have taken a completely different approach during this crisis.  I deliberately sought out a small business owner and purchased something from him I probably wouldn't have normally bought - I think it's really important to support small business in this time of crisis.