Speakers with Most good reviews in last ten years

What are Some examples of full range speakers that have had many good reviews from just about all publications and owners?
The Revel Ultima line of speakers, particularly the Salons, and their little brother, the Studios. They always seemed to have gotten great reviews. And this includes both the original versions as well as the Mk. II versions.

I owned the original Studios, and they were very good speakers. (I wouldn't say great, but certainly they were very good for the money.)

My two cents worth.
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Harbeth, Proac, Maggies, Wilson.. pretty hard to find a dog among the better speakers.
If I were buying, I'd be auditioning: Genesis 7.1F, Thiel 3.7, Wilson Sophia III.
I heard the 7.1F at last T.H.E. Show last month and was mighty impressed.
What speaker has received a bad review from an audio publication? It seems to go against their grain.