Looking For Candidates For That Mythical 6922 Tube

I have spent a bit of time looking at 6922 tubes for a PS Audio BHK 250 Signature. I currently have two tubes that work relatively well, but really are not exactly what I need. 

So far it has been a pair of Siemens 6922 Gold Pin branded under RCA. Or a pair of Telefunken 6922. 

The Siemens have nice space, and a rich mid band. However the top end does not have the clarity and energy I would like. The Telefunken are more extended, but are lean in the upper mids, and have a bit of a threadbare feel. 

I have used Amperex Bugle Boy Holland and Orange Globe. I have tried some tubes from GE, Sylvania, Tungsram, and new Gold Lion. Nothing else betters the two I am currently using. 

Anyone have any recommendations that strike a balance between the Siemens and the Telefunken? I have read a bit about the Reflektor 6N23P with silver shield from 1975 as being a desirable tube. Any thoughts?

Any info you can pass along would be appreciated. 
If looking for more punch up top, try Mullard 2492s or 2493s.  I ran the 2492s before switching to Telefunken E88CCs, and they were very good, just a little brighter than I wanted. 
Try real NOS 1960s and 1970s Amperex (Holland and USA made) 6922 tubes and not the later ones branded as Bugle Boy. Also Mazda may give you the great high end you are seeking. I personally go for a totally different sonic signature in my preamp and use NOS Mullards...liquid and smooth across the entire spectrum with a firm bottom end.
Regarding Amperex, I agree with @three_easy_payments that the premium tubes are way better than Bugle Boys. They were manufactured in both USA and Holland and are called 6922 Amperex PQ. Liquid midrange and an extended yet smooth top-end, it’s a lively tube.
Also, there's the 7308 Amperex PQ Holland, having more slam and a fuller, less transparent sound. As I said very lively tubes, but do not have the high-end energy of Siemens or Telefunken.

I've used that Reflektor tube in my Dac.For what it's worth,it has very good bass in that application but nothing special about the highs.Mullards seem to have the most extended highs.