Sheldrake and Penrose are not contradictory theory at all...
and Geoff I apologize for not knowing Peter Belt theory sorry...I am mostly interested by mathematics....
Read Hameroff and Penrose they worked together...You must refresh your reading because Penrose and Hameroff collaboration begins after the publication of the Emperor`s new mind 35 five years ago ... :)
By the way all that Penrose conceptions are only one example of an interesting theory, they are other one...Personally I even have mine, implicating linguistic and mathematic...
The only point of view in common with all the theories that interest me: they are not materialist one.... Materialism is gone now for good after 1925... Except for crowds....But I know for sure you know that already....Heaudio does not seems to know that at this moment.... My best to you all...
and Geoff I apologize for not knowing Peter Belt theory sorry...I am mostly interested by mathematics....
IMHO Penrose went a little bit crazy later on you know, with the Emperor’s New Mind and the quantum mechanics of the brain/mind. Way too philosophical.This is not true by the way, a theory of consciousness implicating quantum theory, a reinterpretation of the role of gravity, and a cosmological theory and microtubules biology and neurology, linked together in some experimental research programs is not only a philosophical one, sorry....
Read Hameroff and Penrose they worked together...You must refresh your reading because Penrose and Hameroff collaboration begins after the publication of the Emperor`s new mind 35 five years ago ... :)
By the way all that Penrose conceptions are only one example of an interesting theory, they are other one...Personally I even have mine, implicating linguistic and mathematic...
The only point of view in common with all the theories that interest me: they are not materialist one.... Materialism is gone now for good after 1925... Except for crowds....But I know for sure you know that already....Heaudio does not seems to know that at this moment.... My best to you all...