Where’s My Weakest Link?

Hi All,

I often find myself wondering where to put resources (money) to take my system to the next level. Over the years I have slowly acquired equipment and sometimes I am impressed with the “upgrade”, others I am disappointed with the change/cost ratio. I recently purchased Jim Smiths book, Get Better Sound and was blown away with the changes I was able to make with what I have but I am now back at crossroads of , whats next?

I am running a Bluesound Node 2i> Carver C-16 pre> Conrad Johnson Sonographe SA250> Thiel 1.2.

So what do you think the weakest link is / whats the smartest upgrade?

Thanks in advance!
...and the thread does it's regular organic evolution from trying to provide the OP with input to diatribes aimed at obtaining self validation of one's prowess in the hobby at all costs!  sigh
Easy_payments, I hate when that happens.
I usually just bite my tongue and try not to feed the bear.

Just one fact to add to the good other ones here:
I have a Node 2i and recently added an Orchid MHDT Tube R2R DAC. I now stream through the Orchid; I've noticed improvement. 
@noromance ...Well put @ 4/14 9:02  ;)
An innocent query unleashing the inevitable suggests the weak link is between the ears....
I learned this long ago....

The movie illustrated this principal (and others!) obscurely, but succinctly...