Uptone EtherRegen

Has anyone tried the Uptone a Audio EtherRegen? I just got it delivered, hooked it up between my ethernet connection and my Bridge II on the PS Audio DS DAC. This device reclocks and cleans ups the digital signal. I’m fairly stupid when it comes to all things digital but what I’m hearing is a huge difference. There is an immediate improvement, lowering the noise floor to reveal clarity. The bass in tight and powerful. My first impression says it’s worth every penny of the $640.

No, clock only comes into play at the DAC where the bits must be converted at the right time to make an analog signal that represents the music.

All bits on the network are the same and protocols ensure all bits get transmittted 100% correctly. If not then there is a defect. No network based application like your browser accessing a remote website could work at all otherwise.

My understanding is that noise introduced in the Signal to the DAC can affect the timing needed to convert to analog ie make sure the bits get converted to analog and transmitted downstream at the right time. Jitter is the measurement used to quantify that error. Noise might be introduced anywhere upstream on the device,network, or other devices in the circuit. and make its way to the signal input to the DAC. But the point is wired or wireless the bits make it 100% correctly across the network always unless there is a defect in the chain somewhere. Its the D/A process where normal noise levels can have an effect by not converting the right things at the right time which results in audible effects if beyond a certain magnitude. Dacs like Benchmark that reclock address that problem in exactly the right place immediately prior to conversion.

So I am not saying this device cannot make a difference. Rather, that results likely vary case to case and there are ways to address any negative effects optimally by reclocking properly in the DAC prior to conversion. Also wireless connections do not suffer from the same noise issues as devices in a wired circuit. Not to say anything is perfect though.

I mention Benchmark mainly as a vendor that has blazed trails and implemented a widely acclaimed reference model for getting things right ie addressing jitter where it matters most, when the digital signal is comverted to analog. Many DACS even for modest cost do a very good job of this these days whereas this was not the case say 5-10 years ago.
So much debate about what this product does. Go to their website and read all about it.

Then go to this site and read 35 pages, nearly all praises. I've had the ER for nearly nine weeks. The improvement in sound is just phenomenal. No double-blind test needed. Once you hear it, you won't want to be without it. Your ears don't lie.
I appreciate the tone of your post. With all due respect, you don’t get it. Let me repeat it: DAC reclocks the audio signal. Network and USB signal, that carries the audio signal, do NOT get reclocked by the DAC
In other words digital signal is represented by a electrical pulse which can be affected by emi/rfi and the like that causes jitter before and after received by the network player so the reclocker (does just that) reclocks the signal and sends the better signal to the dac. The dac clock can only preserve what's received and hence can't correct the signal received. As it receives a better signal then produces a improved sound. 
If you believe that any “competently designed” DAC (a cheap $50 China DAC for example, that ASR mob says measures really good), magically solves any issues upstream (streamer, network, USB path), then so be it. Keep that Magic DAC Special Edition MK4, and be happy with it being fed crap. You are missing out.

Peace out. I have said enough. I am not sure why I am spending my time trying to convince someone that cannot possibly be convinced, let alone be curious to try