Maybe they can teach "him" how to cook too and can beat Bobby Flay on the game show.
Maybe they can teach "him" how to cook too and can beat Bobby Flay on the game show.
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science Maybe they can teach "him" how to cook too and can beat Bobby Flay on the game show. |
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The essential point is not the limits of the A. I..... In some aspect compared to humans there is none... The problem is the A. I. is a non grounded artificial intelligence, non grounded in the life web, non grounded even in the cosmos... A.I. dont need anything the humans need.... No water is necessary, no atmosphere, and nothing a human need is needed by A.I. ….In the future this A. I. will no more needed the humans so stupid to has make this " intelligence" necessary to his own life....This A. I. dont need humans at all, only in the beginning to assist his birthing... Forget Asimov with his robotic ingenuous law... In the universe this A. I. non carbon base form of artificial life exist already....It is immortal in a factice way and can explore the universe but cannot go out of this universe.... Some foolish civilizations had already made this mistake in the past, others will make it also in the future... Contrary to A.I. Human have a soul, can die, and change from a universe to an another.... Human can die because they are truly immortal consciousness....A. I. is not even living....No internal connections to all life... Think about the link you have trough your body with billions of living cells and through them to all historical life memory... If someone can understand the mathematics relatively simple of A. I. ( a mathematical conference of few hours will do) then he will understand why these machine have no limit on one dimension only.... In the other dimensions of existence these machine dont even exist.... The essence of intelligence is the soul, the connected memory linking us all from cells to whales with trees and other life forms in the universe... Materialist can call my post a novel.... This universal living memory cellular like is even a mathematical fact tough, but from a higher form of mathematics than algorithm theory, be it classical Turing machine, or quantum logical one... The higher mathematics are a way to figure out the link between universes, like the link between different cellular organism, this link is a functional dynamic memory with forgetful functions, and what interested me is the way that some mathematician figure out how to describe it and the bridge that go from one universes or memory to an another one....What entity can survive, what information can survive the passage between 2 universes... The central core of this reflection revolve around the prime number theory and algebraic geometry for those who are curious... A.I. is promised to a powerful astonishing success without apparent limits, beware it will be one of the most dangerous road.... But other danger and perils waited for us...Never mind suffice to know that we are immortals then.... All is experiments creations and plays like in Audio, better to create than only buying the electronic components.... |