Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?

I want to start building a swarm (starting with 2 subs), on a budget.  Starting with $1000, am I better off buying two used powered subs, three less expensive used powered subs, or a subwoofer amp (eg Dayton SA1000) and two (less expensive) used unpowered subs?  What is the advantage of having a discrete subwoofer amp?  Room size is 13'x22'. 
When it was over, he told us that was the most natural rendition of the tympani he had ever heard in any room at any audio show.
Tympani are typically tuned to about C3 ≈130Hz with a 65Hz sub harmonic. Not really much in the sub range.

That does not mean you can tell where the bass is originating absent knowing that the two sides behave differently.
By extension,1 sub at the same level midway between their normal positions, two subs with mono input, two subs with with correct input and two subs with reversed input will all sound the same?

Methinks, and knows, not! At least for subs XO ≈80Hz.
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@cheeg FWIW - I have just received an set up my Swarm DBA in a small 10' x 14' room with excellent results.

I previously tried different subwoofers, none of which could provide reliable quality bass. The room is just too small and easily overwhelmed with the lower frequencies.

I (hesitantly) decided to go with the Swarm after reading through the postings here (in particular from millercarbon and noble100) and other sources.  These are very knowledgeable people with real world experience.

Now with all 4 subs singing, bass is extremely present, dynamic, fast and very clear. Everything I read in the posts were true and not exaggerated. 

I would start out with the Dayton and two passive subs for now.  Add the other subs later.  You'll be that much closer to an awesome DBA.

Also, 3 of my subs are placed up on shelves facing the ceiling.  Duke from AudioKinesis suggested this arrangement as it augments dispersion in the vertical plane.

Saves floor space too!

Good luck in your quest! 

Here is some info to help anyone sort out the "Swarm" .


He makes a licensed clone of the Audio Kinisis Swarm. It sums up the design philosophy quite nicely.

I am thinking about building my own at some point in the future.
All of my subs are on the floor, with two at the back wall between the speakers and facing each other, about 3' apart. The others are spread out along various parts of the wall and facing toward the room. I am trying to figure out a way to get one or more of mine in the air but in my room it isn't easy. I might need to build some pedestals.

I have also thought about trying one or more subs in a down firing position, but would be curious as to how far from the floor the down facing woofer should be. Same would be true about the woofers facing the wall.