What to upgrade to?

I will be retiring at the end of the year or earlier depending on the Covid virus.  Anyway I am looking for that last upgrade to my system.  I will be looking at either upgrading my analog system or loudspeaker.  I have about 10k in a complete turntable and my speakers retailed for 12k about 5 years.  Both I could live with in retirement and be quite happy. But I have $15k - $20k to spend if I want to on either upgrading my turntable or speakers.  What would you upgrade? Turntable or speakers?
I know the op targeted table or speakers , but its worth talking about phono preamp too.

Also spreading the budget could work too. Maybe better cart &/or SUT or phono. Maybe subwoofer? So many variables.
3012 arm?
SME V arm.  The phono stage is a built into the preamp m.  It's a Deja Vu custom pre and the phono section is outstanding.
what kind of TT fo you have? If you feel it’s adequately, I’d spend it all on the best used speakers you can find; maybe phrase your amps as well?
@bobheinatz I also have a Deja Vu custom preamp so I know you're getting great sound there :) What amp are you using? I googled your speakers pretty interesting looking and I've heard of Dale Pitcher but I suspect they could be improved upon.