My list of seller red flags

I’ve compiled a list of annoying things sellers do. If I see any of these red flags I will not buy from them. Ideally every seller should agree to not do any of these before they are allowed to sell online.

- Overpriced
- Don’t talk about any flaws
- Keep re-posting
- Use unrelated keywords in ad so ad comes up when you search for different brand
- Paranoid language like " Cash and Carry only", "No spammers", No Trades...
- Using all CAPS and !!! marks

- Used car salesman lingo like"only $xxx , a great deal, a steal , and the worse, RARE "
- Ad consists entirely of copy/pasted info. from manufacturer website
- Any textspeak
- Gimmicky pricing like $999 or $995 or the worse, random price like $927
- Saying price is "Firm"..

- Reducing price by insignificant amount to bump ad
- Tooting own horn, i.e describing how awesome their product is.. Comes across as desperate to me..
- Seller saying they will lose money or taking a big loss .. Not my problem..

- Selling several items in one ad and updating the ad to say "SOLD" on certain items.
Really, delusional?
"12inch45rpm OP
If I see a seller with such "precise" pricing I think they are delusional and move on.

"Not someone I want to deal with".

" " And what's up with all these "second systems"? Sounds a little fishy to me."

Main system in my living room
Second system in my upstairs family room
Third system - headphone amp based

Oh, and I guess you would consider this to be fishy too, I have 3 amps in my main system that I rotate between - Modwright pre/power, an Line Magnetic and Finale Audio integrated amps. My oh my how would I ever write an add if I wanted to sell one.

Of course many people can have second systems. I am talking about medium to high volume sellers where everything seems to be "gently used from a second system". Obviously that can't be the case .
Maybe you can figure out a way to conduct an audit of every seller's equipment and provide the "obvious" results for all prospective buyers