Roon Nucleus EQ

Hi, I was wondering if the Roon Nucleus’s DSP EQ capability’s could supplant the OEM EQ bass booster of my Thiel 3.5’s? Does the eq of the Nucleus work while other sources are in use through the shared DAC: an Oppo 205?
As always; thanks in advance.
Hello unsound.
Roon DSP functionality would only be available to Roon endpoints.
So if you are streaming via Roon, either from your own library or from Tidal or Qobuz, Roon’s DSP functionality is available to be in play. But from a source that is outside of that chain, not so much.

@jazzman7, Thank you for your prompt response. Does it matter that the Oppo 205 is  "Roon Ready"  (what ever that means) ?
Hi, Unsound. :)

Any EQ applied via Roon is additive to any other EQ and filters in the chain.

If all your music was through Roon you could replace the Thiel EQ box with a Roon filter if you knew the proper parameters.

Roon is a little unusual in that it does all the DSP processing in the server, not the end point, so yes, any Roon-ready device should be able to take advantage of the DSP capabilities inside Roon if they are capable of the playback rate/type.

For instance, not all devices may support DSD, or more than 96 kHz, but if they are Roon-ready, then Roon can transcode up to their capabilities.
