What to upgrade to?

I will be retiring at the end of the year or earlier depending on the Covid virus.  Anyway I am looking for that last upgrade to my system.  I will be looking at either upgrading my analog system or loudspeaker.  I have about 10k in a complete turntable and my speakers retailed for 12k about 5 years.  Both I could live with in retirement and be quite happy. But I have $15k - $20k to spend if I want to on either upgrading my turntable or speakers.  What would you upgrade? Turntable or speakers?
Dear @bobheinatz  : My take is that for you can have more precise advises about it will be important that you post which are your room/system MUSIC listening main targets, the kind of MUSIC you normally listen/your preferences about, your room listening dimensions.

Can help too not what upgrade you want: TT or speakers but overall  what characteristics in your room/system quality performance do you think needs an improvement against your first hand experiences with live MUSIC events seated at near field position or against other room/systems that you think outperforms what you have.
You can make true system quality improvements with 20K if you know exactly where and how do it. You need to identify the weaks " points " in your system and its strong ones too that you don't want to beeen altered with your investment.

Anyway, only an " idea ".

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Turntable-wise, you could stay with what you have, and try an additional arm (Chris would probably be able to nicely add a new arm, or, you could change arms for one that would enable you to change cartridges by just changing head shells.)

I use a Garrard 401 that I refurbished on a plinth I made myself, with a Dynavector 501 arm. Changing cartridges is a snap. Sound quality is shockingly good, depending on the recording, of course. And, my speakers are Tannoy.

I know this is not the time to go out and audition loudspeakers, but I feel you might want to hold off on purchasing turntable/speakers until you can go hear what interests you. Or the free home trial is a good option, if not a pain in the butt. Oh, by the way, I'm in the PNW as well.

Well, best of luck to you, stay well, and good things will happen at the right time.

Speakers: Emerald Physics makes several models of open-baffle. I LOVE my KCIIs (with WireWorld and Clarity Caps upgrades) $1999/$2999

Beyond, or in addition to, their great reviews, they are a very easy load.  Also,  great direct prices saves you money

I would like to thank everyone who has participated on my thread.  There were alot of great suggestions.  I was pleasantly surprised that there were a few who has heard my speakers and know of Dale's work.  After listening last night I can reaffirm the the Intuitive Design speakers are extremely good.  
I have decided to upgrade my cartridge and see how that upgrade works before looking at anything else.  Perhaps a serious cartridge upgrade will be all that's needed.

FYI - Soundsmith has most of their upper line cartridges on sale 25% off, https://elusivedisc.com/search?search_query=Soundsmith.  A nice benefit of Soundsmith is their ability to rebuild the cartridge to near new many times at a fraction of the new-cost, and the rebuild is a  new stylus-cantilever-suspension.  Makes those retirement $$$ go further, if the cartridge sound is to your liking.  I heard a direct comparison between their top of line Hyperion vs a Lyra Etna - same turntable & arm (VPI HW-40) and all the same electronics (CAF-2018) playing a Louis Armstrong record.  The Lyra made Louis Armstrong sound like he was playing Aspen, CO (crisp dry air) while the Hyperion sounded like he was playing in New Orleans (thick humid air).  They both sounded great, but it all comes down to your taste.  Otherwise, I own the Soundsmith Carmen and Paua, and these tend to be a bit sultry which is my preference, whereas the Sussurro and Hyperion is said to be more detailed.   The web has review of just about all their cartridges.

Good Luck, and remember, every change that you make to your system makes what is old new again, and when retired you should have more time to listen.  So, maybe if you budget/stage your 'improvements' you can keep that journey going throughout your retirement for many years to come.