If this pandemic doesn't finally kill my cartridge, nothing will

 I have an ancient Linn Arkiv B cartridge. I've known now for a few years that sooner or later, the thing will simply quit on me. I've probably listened to more vinyl in the last month than in the preceding year. If this doesn't finally do in my Arkiv B, it will last until the next millennia. 
"Tooblue" is what it's worth to try to recover. 

Ok let's count on fingers who can repair loose ends:
- Soundsmith
- VAS cartridge repair
now across pond
Dmitri (can be found via vinylengine forum Delta667 )
Aidas - can be reached via GRGaudio here 
Darius -  http://www.cartridgeretip.com/

And due COVID warning I can't be Pegasus anymore, donkey is more viable strategy these days 
I have personally used 2 last masters, both more than once.

@bukanona, not sure I get your drift. Will be sending the Miyabi to Soundsmith for his evaluation when the time comes as he is my go-to guy and will follow his advice. @chakster , as far as the Hana ML being in the same league as the Standard Miyabi, I can always hope.
Sorry, tooblue, just it was discussion about what is possible. Nothing personal, good luck.

Miyabi is legendary hand made cartridge from Takeda. State of the art LOMC (imo). 

Hana is relatively cheap mass production cartridge from the company called Excel Sound in Japan. I have at least 3 different models from Excel Sound (OEM) and they are all completely different from Miyabi Standard and MCA which i own.

Fuuga is $8000 cartridge inspired by Miyabi and made by a person who knew Takeda-San. 
@bukanona, not taken personally at all and thanks for your input. Enjoy the music