Speakers for Yamaha AS2100

Hello all, 

was recently able to purchase a Yamaha as2100 for a really good price and was wondering what speakers would pair well with it. Budget for speakers will be $2k but am flexible. Was wondering if I could get some feedback from any AS2100 owners. Looking for bookshelf speakers preferably. Listen to a bit of everything but mainly jazz and 80s music. Will not be playing at ear splitting volumes as I live in an apartment. And feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


I’ve looked at those cantons a few times. Tried to find reviews but couldn’t find too many. Can you describe the sound characteristics of them if possible? I know everyone’s taste is different but what is it you like about them? They look very well made as well
The Cantons are very well made - sturdy, beautiful finish, high quality binding posts.  They are a nice balance of warmth and detail.  Good bass for a standmount speaker so the music has a nice foundation in my 16x12 room.  The midrange is resolving without being overly forensic.  And the treble is very easy to listen to but is still extended and clear.  I find it to be a very complete speaker - I notice the music rather than the speaker when I sit down for a listening session.  I'm driving them with an integrated that puts out 135 watts into 8ohms and 240 into 4. That's more than enough power for my room.  They've worked out very well for me in my system.     
I also own the Canton Vento Reference 9 DC.  As mentioned, they are very well made, attractive, and produce a surprising amount of tight bass for their size.  They are very neutral and maybe a little on the "polite" side.  Very easy to listen to, but they don't offer up as much detail as my Harbeth P3ESR or Focal Electra 1008 BE.  The Cantons are a little more on the "warm" side.  If you like that, then they are a great bargain at their current prices at accesories4less.  If you like your sound a little more lively, The P3ESRs are fantastic, but aren't going to have the bass presence of the Cantons, which may be a positive for apartment living.
I have paired my Yamaha AS-2100 with a pair of Harbeths SHL5+
and must admit, that they spund natural with no fatigue after prolonged 
playing music on it.

I alspo owned KEFs bookshelf speakers, which were terryfic, yet they lacked a bit on middle and high part of the spectrum.

I do also realise, that not even two people have same hearing, so I might get some critics, but it"s just my 2 cents.... 
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