Cross-talk and distortion, chief soundstage contributors...

In my continuing effort to learn about the "chemistry" of sound, I have recently been informed that it is significantly low (vanishing) distortion and avoiding crosstalk that supply the key sonic elements for deep, broad, tall, etc. soundstage... this, of course, is independent of speakers, pre-amp, cables, etc. I'm focusing on the amplifier, alone... Again, the issue here are the fundamental (amplifier) qualities involved in soundstage. Can anyone add some dimension to what I'm learning in this...

Thanks in advance,
Now, this seems significant:

"The more you bleed left and right towards mono, the better the central image becomes, and the worse the image either side of center l & r and out side the speakers image becomes. "

Is this measured? Are we measuring this? What is the measurement? Is it articulated as a norm, in amp descriptions? 

Is this measured? Are we measuring this? What is the measurement?
You can simply do it yourself without any measuring gear, put a 10kohm pot between L and R channels on the output of your source, and get some one to slowly reduced it till it shorts L and R together, while your listening.
That’s basically what I did in the demo above but with a fixed resistance to reduce the cdp to 30db channel separation.

Now if you devise a circuit in a box for the cd output to mimic the separation curve of the Lyra cartridge , then your early ping pong cd’s will sound better like vinyl can do to them. I’ve already named it, and called it "The Digital Vinylizer"

Cheers George
georgehifi6,991 posts

Thanks I understood how you explained it.

What about two preamps like a pair of C4s and two monoblock amps.
How is the phantom center created? Only from the source?

I could never get great stereo sound out of mono preamps paired with mono power amps. I never tried it the other way around, two mono preamps on a stereo power amp, though.


Post removed 

Trouble with that is there goes the sound of the owners prized dac, because now there’s inferior cheap digital stages in use in the signal path. Been down that dead end path, trying to do digital domain xovers, you ruin any class your prize dac had.