End of the World system

So here's a question.   You and your loved ones are the last one's on earth. Your fully stocked with a cabin in the woods, renewable energy, and food for a life time.  The roads are out, and there's no place to get gas.

The remains of a high-end store are 20 miles away. What do you bring home, assuming you have to actually carry it back?
You may be the only two people left on Earth, but we all know there is no scenario where you will not have zombies. So plug your ears and don't forget the double-tap.
Great question! I've been thinking of something similar lately---I'm 55 and my dad passed away at 59. I'm only 4 years from that 59 and it scares me to death. I'm in the process of doing some upgrades and part of me still likes to budget---the other part says 'get what you want' just in case. So my question is: if I've got only 4 years to live, should I just get what I REALLY want or be sensible and buy what I can afford. Hmmm.
With only 4 years to live the sensible thing is to buy GIK. Then with EQ and REL you can easily make it another 40.
In my end of the world fantasy I would fashion my own musical instruments out of whatever natural materials are available.I would also breed and train crickets to chirp in different keys so we could play music together.