Your memory of Audio Marketing, esp. B.S.

O.K. most of us old f--ts remember "the Copper Top Battery,  "when it rains, it pours", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel"(wouldn't go accross the street for a woman), "the quicker picker upper" and so very much more.  Kind of sad that most of us can do a commercial product jingle from an ad that hasn't been used for 20+ years.

My question is, what are/is some of the great Audio marketing B.S. phrases, slogans..etc. from the extended history of audio/high-end audio.  The first one is (with Ella) "is it live or is it Memorex", and of course we knew that Ella was great and Memorex was not. 

However compared to ebay, this site is more accurate in listings.  Insert the word  Eames   in the ebay search.  Charles Eames and his wife Rae were designers/architechs in the post WWII era.  There are salt shakers, bath mats...etc being referred to as "Eames Era"....kind of like German items from the 40s being "Hitler Era".  

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The biggest load of BS so far ...

"I hold an EE degree, and I know exactly what something sounds like, including after-market fuses, without hearing them for myself. And everyone else on the planet who has tried them and hears the improvement they bring to the equation is either an idiot or a shill ... or even both."

What was the company who recently advertised in stereophile about having a 1-horsepower amplifier? Seriously. What the hay? I'm listening to music, not being dragged towards the sonic horizon.