To horn or not to horn

I have never owned a horn speaker. I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?
As others have suggested not all horns are created equal. However, I dislike a higher percentage of horn designs than any other speaker type. 
Heresy IIIs and a couple of REL subs does the trick for me. And my single ended tube amp has only 4 tubes so tube rolling is inexpensive (and fun, my preamp has 4 matching tubes but not expensive). Note that before I started looking around for efficient speakers to match my amp, I hadn't listened to any Klipsch speakers for years...I found that the Heresy IIIs had none if the drawbacks that horn critics famously have issues with, and each is a coherent and revealing little powerhouse even with less power. 99db efficient...yeah man...
Well... I've done the entire journey from low power & horns to mega power and Wilson's or Focal's at least three times over the last 25 years. For the last 5 years and will continue into the future with my horns driven by 300B's.  When done well, nothing can match a horn system IMHO. 
And I would say that when done well, horns do a very particular thing better than all other designs. The sense of ease you get with horns is really special. This can be intoxicating for a time, but to me always falls short in all other areas when compared with the best dynamic and planar designs.