EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating

Has anyone experienced any sort of resonating sound coming from their CDSD when playing certain CDs. This has happenned to me on two discs, the latest one with "Shirley Eikhard - Stay Open, Track 1 - Take It To The Max". I assume it has something to do with the rotation speed of the transport on that given track, because it slowly fades away past the 2 minute mark, and doesn't occur on any other track. It is extremely annoying and surprising for a $7K transport. I'm starting to wonder if I need to send it back, but I'm hesitating considering how difficult it has been to get it in the first place.
I know several people with the new CDSD (plastic tray) and no one has had any problems.

I wish I could say the same, my 1 year old CDSD with a plastic tray is now making loud resonating noises with certain CDs, which can sometimes be heard over the music from my listening chair. I am waiting to hear back from my emmlabs dealer regarding a solution.
The distributor told me that my two previous units were quieter than the average. So either my expectations are out of line, or there are many others.
Just want to make it clear that my latest service call was not due to mechnical transport noises. It simply stopped working. This latest CDSD revision is my quietest so far.
No problem with mine, after I had it (the metal tray) replaced under warranty.

David Shapiro

My CDSD went back to Calgary last week via FedEx. I also sent two CD's that were problematic. Within 2 days my dealer nicely called me and told me that they had checked out machine at emmlabs. THey could definitely hear what I was complaining about. Yet, when they had the machine opened up they determined the transport was working normally. In fact, I was told it was compared to two or 3 other machines (including a new one) and it was no more noisey than the others. I was told part of the problem relates to how the Philips transport works. Regardless of whether the disc is a CD or SACD, it spins at SACD speeds. THe early tracks are read from the inside at a higher speed and the speed slows as it reads outward. THis explains why the noise goes away with later tracks. If you have an unbalanced disc, it will apparently make a noise at this faster speed... this is not a problem with the transport I'm told. So, the solution will be replacing the top, for one of the newer ones without ventilation holes and increased insulation. I think you had some of the same issues. So, I am just waiting for the CDSD and my discs to be shipped back to Eastern Canada so I can see if it is satisfactorily fixed. It sounds like you are happier that yours is now quieter. Time will tell. I hope so.