More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music

Hi,   just want to know if anyone can offer their opinions on how to boost the bass when listening to 2 channel music.

I just got a pair of B&W 804 D3 and would like to get more bass out of the speakers.   I remember the bass was pretty punchy when I heard it in the dealer showroom, but I don't seem to get that in my setup.   I currently have Parasound A31 power amp with 250 watts per channel.

So the question is whether I should get a more power amp, or add subwoofer to my 2 channel music.  I'm a little bit of a purist and would prefer not to use a subwoofer for music, but I'm open to this option.

I would definitely appreciate if anyone can share their experience/opinion.   Thanks very much.
If you have the floor space for one unit, then go up UP U P!!

Position as good as you can, treat as much as you can stand, without being yelled at. and go UP... A Column, a stack, hung from the rafters.
If you get them swinging, who know what you might hear.. Whole new craze, SWINGING bass, not swarming...LOL 

My room is 10' x 14' that includes the audio system, a television, a 75" sofa, an end table, a coffee table, a big honking radiator that could heat a room twice its size and a second door located in a very poor spot. I also have a 4 sub dba. My subs are not small and not located any where near what anyone would consider an ideal location. I put them where ever they would fit, and along with the cables runs to them, not be in anybody's way or intrusive into the room. I can add a couple of chairs in the seating area if I want to.

My point to this diatribe is, even without a single sub being in an optimum location the improvement in how even the bass is over using two subs was quite noticeable. Impact and sound stage were unaffected with the additional subs other than the that everything was little more clear. IOW multiple subs make locating and integrating subs much easier.

I also felt the improvement gained by adding a third sub was greater than the improvement gained when the fourth sub was added.
Hi xcool!  Definitely a subwoofer.  Realize that 250 watts Is only 10 db louder than 25 watts. EVEN IF YOU WENT TO 750 WATTS (eek!) it would only sound 6 db louder. The problem is not power, it's room placement and calling in a specialist - the sub.  Play with placement and be amazed. Keep Smiling!
@xcool - Hey if anyone wants to accuse me of being a DBA Swarm cult member, I will proudly wear that moniker. But to your point regarding room space (or lack thereof), I have just installed a DBA Swarm from AudioKinesis in a 10’ X 14’ room.
3 subs are placed up high facing the ceiling.
Just one sub is on the floor next to my desk facing forward.

If this room feels cramped, it’s certainly not because of the sub on the floor (which is a nice place for my lamp!).

No "forest" of subs nor mess of wires.

Through some fluke with Parts Express (in a positive way!) I ended up with an extra Dayton amp.

I am so impressed with the results in my small office that I will likely be purchasing 4 (or more) subs for the extra Dayton to have a second Swarm in my living room.
Tweak the room by placing the speakers and dial in a sub so that it disappears.