Advice on amplifier and B&W speaker pairing

I know this topic has been covered before, but I’m looking for recommendations on two specific amplifiers and what the optimal pairing would be for B&W 800D3 speakers. The speakers have not arrived yet, but I already own the amplifiers: Nagra Classic Amp and the Audio Research Reference 150SE. I’m guessing most people will suggest that I listen to each configuration, and make a decision myself as to what option sounds best. I’m looking for more technical guidance though. The idea is to keep the better matched amplifier and sell the other. The preamp being used is the Audio Reference GSPre

My dilemma: I adore the 150SE and generally prefer tubes over to SS. However, even though the ARC can push out 150 watts on the 4ohm tap, and the B&W has a sensitivity of 90db - this speaker has a wild impedance curve (3 ohm-20 ohm) and has some pretty significant phase angles. I’m wondering if ANY tube amplifier can deal with these types of loads. Because one must choose the correct tap, it seems the amplifier will never be running in it’s comfort zone. I think my biggest concern is how the frequencies could possibly be skewed at the upper frequencies.

The Nagra wouldn’t have these issues, but only outputs 100W into 8ohms and approx 175W into 4ohm. Considering the 90dB sensitivity of the B&W... perhaps this is the better option?

Setting aside sonic preferences. What do people recommend in this situation? Thank you!
You know you are making a nearly impossible request.  Sonic preferences IS the right answer, and you haven't even gotten the speakers yet.

Here's what I suggest though, when you listen listen in the area of music you are most worried about.  Looking at the impedance curve, the area of concern is a depressed mid-bass to treble, but!!!!

There's always a but .... ;-)

Technically, yes, lower impedance can depress the output of an amp with a high output impedance (i.e. tubes) ... BUT! ... you might like that. Depressing the output here may make these speakers easier to listen to at lower volume.

So, when you compare listen for this effect and ask if you like it and if that works at your normal listeningi levels.  Louder, the missing mids could be more pronounced.

If you hear none of this, then pick your fave otherwise.
Thank you Erik - I appreciate the feedback and do realize this is a difficult question to answer based on the information I've provided. As you say, listening is the best test, but I'm not terribly familiar with how electrical components (tubes/transistors) work and what the negative impacts could be with using tube amplifiers with such a speaker.

My understanding is this: Since the 800D3 dips to 3 ohms, I should probably use the 4 ohm tap on the ARC. But... the speaker also rises up to 18 ohms in the 1Khz-10Khz region. I'm not sure how this effects the amplifier and frequency response. I would think the amp would struggle with this type of impedance shift. Best case this would probably reduce the amount of watts the ARC could produce. But could it also damage the speaker/amp? 

Thanks again