Calling Vandersteen Treo owners

Simple question.... Are the Treo a big step up over the 2ce sig ii and why. They aren’t an efficient speaker for tubes. RV said I’ll have no issue with my setup. Could always drive the lower end with a different amp. Just curious what others have to say going from 2ce sigs to Treo have to say. I am looking at a set built on 2011 or 2012. Thanks for your input. 
AT 67 years old, 5'11'' is my maximum I think; I watched my parents "shrink" with age.  

But nope, the sweet spot is still in a seated position, usually leaning a bit forward.  And man, is it worth it!
I have the 2ce sig II in a heavily treated listening room and am very happy with them.
Before adding bass traps the lows were lacking in depth and clarity, but now they're clear and more controlled than most sub setups I've heard.

The only thing I'd want to improve now are male vocals (female vocals sound great). They lack some clarity, it feels as if the singer is a little further away and that there's a thin cloth between him and the mic.
Are the Treos any better in this regard, or is this something that comes along with a 1st order crossover design?

@tomic601 It's been two months since you've mentioned a "relatively simple change that makes the Treo and up sound better that could be implemented on the 2", could you shed some light on that?
I'd be very interested in simple upgrades to my 2s since these days costs for significant upgrades are through the roof :) Even the Treos cost $9k new.
6’2” and 58 and not shrinking... post quarantine I may be a 3xl

@andrewtgt Treo and up use a direct on circuit board connection to crossover - no wire from inputs to board - just heavy traces. A conversation with RV recommended as I don’t know how easy a retrofit might be. Nice to hear your 2’s are singing well. What is referenced track w male vocal that is troubling- I will give a listen w Treo.

as an update, I spoke with RV yesterday- factory is shut down but he continues to work every day on new product development- the guy is tireless in quest for better sound :-)

hipe this finds everybody well

Though they are rare to come by, a used pair of Treo-non CT's are around $4K.
I owned the 3a sigs, and bought the Treo's (from Ctsooner). And, boy was I glad I did. The Treo's are more refined than the 3's, and they look better, too.
If you could swing another grand, and have the room (I don't), I would consider getting a pair of Quatro's. That would give you the integrated/equalized subs. Which saves you buying a pair of Vandy subs, like I did.