Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
I never mention you by name. I simply pointed out the utter hypocrisy and wonderful irony of a certain
" pastor", and the term is used lightly.
I know this will sound profound. But this, like many threads proves one thing: That people of every economic stratum, of every education level, inherently polite and impolite, humane and evil, can be and are all audiophiles and the water and oil will never mix.

For every golden eared self proclaimed audio guru, there are disciples and those that think they are pompous at best.

Moderators please do not delete this thread.
BE alert for the campaign of confusion that we will be subjected to continuously until November in order to distract from facts. Nothing negative or harmful to fearless leader’s image will ever be admitted to or responsibility taken by the current crew in the WH. No blame for ANYTHING will EVER be admitted. Nothing will change. Just more continuous marketing hype to obscure the facts which is all fearless leader knows. All lies. Some either are OK with that or merely continue to buy the BS being sold to them like total dopes.
I watched dear leader turn to Dr Brix and ask if maybe they could look into injecting disinfectant or getting UV light inside people. I don't  need talking heads to interpret what I see. So what are the ODDS you're giving?
Well here’s a news flash for all you Debbie doubters. I injected bleach and my clothes have never been cleaner. Whiter whites, brighter colors, its like they’re brand new. More improvement than buying new garments.

Wait a minute, sounds like a fuse advertisement.