The truth of the matter Pryso, is the fact that I'm just getting seriously interested in Maynard Fersuson as a musician. I saw him on TV clowning around so much, I thought he was just a showman, but now that I know better I'll be doing some serious listening and collecting. BTW, that's some boss Maynard Ferguson which I will add to my collection.
It's funny that you should think about me, when I was thinking about you and Lee Konitz;
That West Coast vibe was quite a contrast to my normal diet of East Coast jazz. People forget how different the Wast Coast was from the Midwest or East Coast at that time; there was a whole different lifestyle, and the music reflected that.
Oddly enough, that tune has a West Coast feel to it, kind of laid back and beautiful.
Either I'm listening better or I'm hearing better; no matter which, the music is sounding better; that's partly because of the "grid"; this "lockdown" has produced a quiet electrical grid. Most people don't realize that ARC and other expensive gear cost so much because of the power supply that tames kinky AC, but now that we have smooth AC, cheaper gear sounds much better.
I think you're also into NOS tubes; I bought some brand new 6922 Telefunkens that sounded real good but didn't last, so now I have to go back to the expensive NOS that last forever; there ain't no free lunch in high end audio, but it's worth it.
These are just the best times for serious listening; I'm listening to tape recorded with the Telefunkens in the Phono-Pre, and records like "Pithecanthropus Erectus" sound like new music, even though I first bought it in 61 or 62; so you no how many times I've heard it, but it sounds brand new today.
Stay cool and enjoy the music.