I think it’s completely overwhelming...

I think it’s completely overwhelming to people sometimes, maybe most times, when they come here to the Audiogon threads for advice.  Most of the time they are going in the wrong direction right from the start, which in turn misleads 5 others down the the wrong road of suggestions. 
 I’m not sure what the  answer is so I’m just throwing this out there for thoughts and to open a discussion about it.

I think you have to enjoy geeking out on all of the different equipment (speakers, amps, pre amps, dacs, tubes, speaker wire, acoustic treatments, power cords, outlets, power conditioners, on and on...it’s overwhelming for the poster who isn’t already interested in this.  Also, I see all the time how people don’t look at the whole picture when it comes to achieving good sound. In my book, thats what makes an audiophile different.  An audiophile can achieve great sound for a total of $1500; shoot, maybe a lot less.  It’s actually more rewarding to put together a $500 system that knocks your buddies socks off than a $5,000 that no one understands why it’s so good.

Back to the point though.  If someone has a 100 watt surround sound receiver, that clips under a 4 ohm load, and thinks it’s wise to spend $10,000 on speakers and call it game over, we may want to help them understand that it might be better to spend $3000 on an amp, $5000 on speakers, $1500 on cables.... whatever or however you personally think a system should be broken down.  
I think that those of us who have experienced it for ourselves, can put together a $2500 set up that sounds great, when taking into consideration speaker placement and equipment choices and looking at the system as a whole.

I was at a time attack event a few years ago and there was this 18 year old girl (whom I’m sure had professional training / guidance) driving a stock, base model dodge neon around the track on 3 wheels faster than 60 year old rich guys in Porsche 911 Turbos.  She’s an audiophile who just happened to get into racing instead.  Just imagine what she could do with that Porsche 911 Turbo 😁
Millercarbons quote 
  Its like that here too. Only we don’t have a Novice run group. And everyone thinks they’re the Instructor. 

I have been at this for about 5 years and counting . I am always learning and willing to listen . I have paid for good advice and a great listening session with Jim Smith . Most of my working life I was a engine builder I was paid to build engines that performed well for there applications . I use the same approach in audio the room is the vehicle the speakers & amp the engine . I would like to listen to other well set up systems and willing to have others listen to mine . I have attended some audio shows and for the most part was disappointed by the sound quality in most rooms including the high dollar ones . I would like to attend the HiFI WIGMAN show in the UK . That show is audiophiles competing against each other for best sound . Knowledge and a open mind is the path to great sound 
Keep it simple, stick to basics,  stay with products and companies with a proven track record, and it will be OK.  
This ain’t rocket science. 
Not to be a prick but why do I want to stick with companies with a proven track record?  Who are those and are they better than other companies in what ways?

To me most of the long term names make similar products and the parts quality is pure junk. More money into the chassis than the product.

My Lafayette KT-550 tube power amp beats the crap out of most amps I have ever heard and since I do repairs, I have heard so many and upgraded them with better parts my head spins.  I have four here now from companies with proven track records in need of repair.

It is not rock science so why do so many pick something that is nothing special?

Happy Listening 
If its overwhelming, two things that would really help, more organization, less elitism.

I was born audiophile, but looking back, for all the time and money I put into it never really made much progress until I picked up a copy of Robert Harley’s The Complete Guide to High End Audio. Harley goes into each component in detail, explaining function and purpose in detail that includes the importance of power supplies and various circuits and subcomponents. Even though I had built a Dynaco ST400 years ago and knew a lot of this it really helped it gel in my mind. These all started to become real actual things not just words on a page.

If I had to pick one most valuable chapter it would be the one on audio terminology. Grain, glare, fatigue, imaging, focus, air, and dozens more- Harley discusses their meaning in such clear detail you will understand so well merely reading this chapter is guaranteed to improve your next listening session.

Another unwelcome roadblock is elitism. Elitism takes many forms. The obvious one is the retailer who exudes a haughty air of superiority and makes you feel as if its your duty to prove you are worth being granted the privilege of paying for, er I mean owning, er I mean even listening to his Precious. Or they show their elitism by setting themselves up as highly expert consultants- everyone else being all shills and touts. Some even show their elitism by acting as if they are so above it all they cannot even deign to take the subject seriously and so do nothing but joke about it.

Millercarbon's quote
"He was faster only because he knew how to drive better."
Reminds me of the expression - "it's not the wand it's the magician"