New speakers and guidance

I am retiring soon and I am going to reward myself by upgrading some of my equipment.  For a budget, I am looking to keep total cash outlays in the net $20k range meaning that I can go beyond $20k with any subsequent funds resulting from the sale of my existing equipment.   My current equipment is listed below for reference. 

I was at AXPONA last year and I listened to the Daedalus Apollos and Apollo 11s.  I absolutely loved the sound of them.  Compared to my existing system, they felt more dynamic and open which are two things that I am looking to improve upon.  They still retained a strong sense of presence and warmth that I enjoy with my current system.

My question is in regards to how best use said funds.  A couple of options come to mind:

  1. Purchase a new set of Apollos and upgrade phono pre to something like Herron or Coincident.

  2. Buy a used set of Daedalus Ulysses/Argos/Athenas and upgrade line stage, amp, phono pre and turntable. 

I appreciate the combined wisdom and advice from this wonderful forum!


Room:                18x21x10

Speakers:          Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors

Amp:                  McIntosh 275 mk IV

Line stage:          ARC LS5 mk II

Phone Pre:        ARC PH5 with GNSC mods

Turntable:          VPI Classic

Cartridge:          Dynavector XX2 mk 2    Enter your text ...
@erik_squires my setup is in the family room, so treatments are in the context of decorating. I have a floor rug as well as rugs on the front wall. I also have curtains on the window on rear and one side wall.  Since it is a family room, it also has a large sectional couch.  The room sounds quite good all things considered.  Good thoughts on the room treatments. 

@almarg thanks for the comment on returns as I was not aware. I feel if I intend to purchase new I can call and discuss with Lou. However, it doesn’t feel right to me if I go the used route. 
The Herron unit does seem to get great reviews and I will call Keith. 
I appreciate the thoughts. 
Where do you live?  Do you have access to many audio stores locally?  I had Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  I sold my house  and the new owner demanded them as part of the deal.  I went on a 4 month mission to go around the country by car to listen to as many different speakers that I could.  It was very enlightening.  I listened to Piega, Eggleston, Vivid, Meridien, Focal, Stenheim, Magico, Tekton, Spatial Audio, Magnepan, Vandersteen, Wilson, Raven Corvus, Harbeth, Avantgarde, hORNS Universum and YG to name a few.  

I know now is tough with retail stores being closed but when it does open, you owe it to yourself to take your time and find a speaker that will really resonate with you.  It's funny, after I did my speaker search, I ended up going in a totally different direction that I would have ever thought ---Viking Acoustic Grande Voix.

If you want a good combination speaker / amp, check out Raven Audio.  The Raven Corvus paired with Raven integrated amps are right in your price point and have a 30 day money back guarantee.  
@willgolf they buyer of your house demanded your speakers are part of the deal??!! I can't say I've ever heard of such a thing I hope at least he didn't negotiate you down on the price too much.
jond - you don't want to know....they got my Amp also.  I ended up buying them a brand new Lumin because I was not going to give up my Lumin X-1.  Let's say they got a great deal but when you are dealing in the price point I was in sometimes you take it in the shorts and move on.  I did make money on the house and it allowed me to go explore new avenues in music all good.