Lifespan of amps and preamps?

Hello.  I have been listening to the same NAD 1240, Adcom GFA 535, and B&W dm 620s since I was 20 in 1990 (it was a big deal to buy all that as a 20 year old kid...).  Other than doing a thorough cleaning on the adcom a few years back when it stopped working, I have literally done nothing to these components. 

Are they totally dated, meaning past their intended lifespan from an internal component perspective?  I have to say it all still sounds really good to me.  But I never really listen to other systems.
Thank you for any input!
Hey Scott, far be it from me to say you should come out of the cozy hobbit hole you've built for yourself right now, but several things are really good now:

1. Streaming
2. DACs
3. Class D amplifiers

And while your speakers may still work, you may find your tastes have changed. I see those are 2.5 way speakers, I really like the form factor overall. 

Gear will last a long time, but at some point the electrolytic caps will need replacement, and you have to decide if it is worth it or you want to make a jump.  I would encourage you to think about a nice new integrated and speaker pair, perhaps with built in streaming, or perhaps with an outboard DAC.


If things are still working well and you enjoy the sound - keep your system! The grass is not always greener over the hill!
You didn't specify your source. Analog or digital? Both? Those would be the places to upgrade!
Are they totally dated, meaning past their intended lifespan from an internal component perspective?

No. But my memories a little hazy. You should check. Like in the Bruce Willis movie RED. Made before expiration dates and you're okay.

 I have to say it all still sounds really good to me.

See? Like Malkovich with the Twinkie.

 But I never really listen to other systems.

Perfect. This is the key to happiness. Avoid internet, magazines, and stores. You'll be fine.
Thanks for the responses.  I know my stuff is not truly audiophile, but I  feel like its pretty good quality.
As far as inputs, when my CD player died a few years ago I did invest in a SONOS Connect (which apparently is on its way to becoming a brick) to stream into my system.  I also still use my record player as well. 

I recently moved my office to my home (like so many) and decided I wanted sound in my new office room.  I am going hi tech.  Again, not exactly audiophile--SVS Prime Wireless bookshelves.  They have Class D amplification, are true active monitors with digital crossover, and have a built in DAC.  So all i need is a streaming source.  This is the first set of new speakers in my home since, well 1990.
Thanks again for the input on the old system.  Sounds like there is no obvious parts that expire...I do not really have the money to replace it anyway.