Seems like a lot of folks are putting their Primaluna amps for sale...

No agenda here, just surprised how many new/newish/older Primaluna amps and integrateds are for sale as of late. Nothing but great reviews and a lot of fans out there. Any negatives or not-so-happy customers?
Seems like there are a ton of entry and mid level PL owners that want to move up from Prologue series to Dialogue and Evo 400....Owning a Prologue Classic integrated, I’ve been drawn-like-a-moth-to-flame to every forum thread on the ‘Net with “PrimaLuna” in the title and the perennial story seems to go like, “I had the Prologue II for six months before unloading it for a Dialogue Premium HP.”...
Can’t avoid sounding like a broken record....great time to buy stuff.

If I find an "act now" deal for a dialogue pre/monos,I just may have to grab them.
Nah, I want to find the deal that will NEVER come even as this madness plays out.

My PL HP is ready for the $45K Sonus Faber Stradivari's for $10K!!!!

All this extra time ,I could mod my HP integrated. Drop some nice coupling caps and a other tweaky thnigs to make even MORE voodoo music.

There’s more than a couple years of archives and endless opinions which are no different than other fine gear.

Go and find EXACT build/part/performance in a USA spec. Good luck finding it. They are not unique if you break it down. Line Magnetic and probably a couple more are worth checking out also.

Negative reviews are necessary for perspective, but the ears have the final say, like ANY equipment.
At least my when I checked here, there were 3 pieces. Not an eyebrow raising amount.
Just sold my Dialogue pre a couple weeks ago. Simple matter of upgrading. Was fun to play with the different 12au7 tubes. I enjoyed it for the price point.
Just my opinion, but yes, "a lot" according to what I've been seeing the past 2 months, not just the snapshot of what's on there at this particular moment. Most of what I've been seeing are Dialogue Premiums; amps, monos, and integrateds. If you look at sales history, on multiple sights, it seemed people tried them and were moving on. I was only looking for some feedback, not really interested in 'snark'.