Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive

I'd like to know your thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of each drive system. I can see that direct drive is more in vogue over the last few years but is it superior to the other drive systems? I've had first-hand experiences with two out of the three drive systems but looking to learn more.
I like disputes but not with dover (grin). I started an thread
with the title ''irreparable cartridge'' but nobody was interested.
Curious because my explicit reference was to Sony XL series
and ZYX series. The reason is the glued body with no possibility
to enter inside for eventual repair. It is , I think, never mentioned
that among other innovations Sony was the first with  ''potting''
the inside of the body. Axel needed to break the body to get
inside but inside he was confronted with ''glue'' as he put it.
That is some ''glue kind'' of damping material. Now regarding
 the optimistic inclination about retip. Those who thinks this 
possible have never seen  Sony XL 88 D. The diamond and 
consequently the ''joint pipe'' are not round . Besides the diamond
cantilever is not glued in the ''joint pipe'' in usual way. What Axel
was asked to do was straighten the cantilever/stylus combo.
This was, alas, not possible because of mentioned fastening.
That is why he needed to ''break in'' inside. The whole generator 
was somehow ''turned around'' . By straightening the generator
the coils  were broken in this (potting) glue. I lost my Sony 88D
this way while my initial thought was: ''easy job to straighten the

bukanona, Changing the whole ''motor' and adding Namiki
cantilever with glued in stylus is some other ''animal''
than Sony's one peace diamond for both. For 2000 euro
you will keep only Sony's body which I blamed for the impossibility 
to retip or repair. However anybody has right to its own thoughts. 
nandric, I have saw guts of Sony XL55Pro and it was possible to repair it.

As I can see from your data if all internal cavity of 88D filled with glue nobody will do that. 

I guess I will use it to inflate a balloon, so I can float over to Germany to hear Eckard's systems.
Dear Lew, You can then see and hear Eckard's more beautuful Sony XL 88D in its integrated  headshell.