Which Quads: 12L2 or 11L Monitors?

I just bought a pair of very nice Quad 12L2 speakers. Good low end and very smooth and responsive across the spectrum. Pretty large for my room, though. The same seller is selling a pair of Quad 11L monitors, which are said by more than a few to be the better of the two in terms of crispness (a technical term) and detail. Also, it's said to have very good mid to high bass response for a speaker its size.

The 12Ls speakers are not yet broken in and I need to get good speakers cables and stands. These factors are probably important.

Has anyone who has heard both models kindly give me their opinion?

Thank you.
I cannot provide opinion on the Quad 12L2. But in 2005, I listened to the 11L and the 12L. I was impressed with the 12Ls. Nothing wrong with 11L, but I felt the 12L had more bass impact over 11L and everything else remained the same. I believe that the 12L2 should be an improvement over 12L. Give the Quads at least 500 hour break-in time to sound their best. What is your amp?
Five hundred hours? Wow, that'll take a while. But it should be worth it. I have a recently-bought Arte Forma integrated amp.

Thanks very much.
I think that the 12L is the better speaker all else being equal. Especially with male vocals which seem to lack a little weight with the 11L. The 12L also nails piano which is something I pay close attention to.

I can't recall thinking the 11L did anything better which makes sense as long as the 12 has adequate juice to control the 6.5 incher.

The 11L is not much smaller for what it is worth either. I feel it is a no brainer.

You might want to consider going active too...