Who buy PS AUDIO ?

Please share your audio (gears) back ground and how long have you been an audiophile?
What or why do you like PS Audio products? What type of audience?
I’ve been watching Paul McGowan on Youtube, I just gotta to give this man so much credits on such valuable info he’s sharing with us audiophaniatics. I do love the guy to death.
I really want to support his business, I really do, but they aren’t cheap either (BHK-300)
Off you go, share your experience with PS AUDIO.
BTW... Paul McGowan's autobiography "99% True" is a fun, fast read and will give you insight into his humanity.  Paul screwed up a lot growing up.  Somehow he always manged to escape very difficult circumstances so he and Terri could be in the successful position they now find themselves.
Resiliency might be an appropriate adjective to describe their life journey.  I would love to travel to Boulder to experience his Infinity IRS V system...one of 50 ever made.  From what Paul has said,  when people leave that room they are overwhelmed with the sheer majesty of that system.  He recently improved it significantly by employing Audioquest Dragon power cords.  Even though PS A makes their own power cords he succumbed to the AQ's charms and is now working with Bill Low of AQ to pair specific AQ cables to PS A gear as recommendations for PS A customers.  As a result PS A is selling those AQ cables should folks want to take him up on his recommendations.
A really good guy making groundbreaking audio gear working hard to connect to the music loving public with daily blog posts and videos on all topics audio.
I'm just a low budget guy, who buys most equipment used, and my two PS Audio products have been hit and miss.

The miss is the 6.1 preamp. It was having some weird electrical problems, and I do believe it blew out the power supply of my tube amp. I did like the funky touch buttons, and the straight wire passive mode was nice (why don't all preamp have this option?!?). I'll sell it to anyone cheap, if they want it.

My main DAC is the Digital Link III. It has a nice, enticing, warm sound, that I can listen to for hours. Digital usually tires me out in an hour. 

My only complaint about the DAC, is that there is a very low hiss in the right channel. I can't hear it when music is playing, but I have to get it sorted because it drives my OCD nuts.

I own their P10 Power Regenerator, the DMP transport and the DirectStream DAC.  THE DMP player is of exceptional build quality and I am going on year 5 with the DAC, which, IMHO, is the best sounding DAC...  at ANY price!  And free firmware updates provided at least once a year. And words alone cannot describe the wonder of the DMP transport, which sadly for those in pursuit, is no longer available, though soon to see a successor,  I understand. OPPO was providing the drives but of course they closed down their digital division. I’m a big fan of PS Audio. My amplification is Krell and I own Lyngdorf MP-60 SSP and a Bryston BP-17 cubed for context so the PS Audio gear in good company.

I rather suspect that much of the recent “build quality” posts may issue from some disgruntled dealers who’ve been terminated since the company went DTC.  
hey Krell_fan,  totally agree about the player.  it is glitchy but until they come out with a new one,  there is no where this bad boy is going.   it is fantastic

While your blog is over a year & a half ago, perhaps you've caught up! Let me know! Several months ago, a big sale, I dove in, complete CD system, top player & DAC. Still waiting for Robin Hood speaker cables, some, `tweeks.' I'm sure, excellent `synergy!' Keep in touch - & I'll tell you how mine sounds! In particular, needed a top - notch CD player, because the mastering on CD's varies a lot! Plus, SACD, DSD! Take care! Been working with high quality equipment since about 1970! TV & Radio Stations, too, lots of technology! Back to Pro, 2 channel 10 & 1/2" Reel decks! Heavy, w/ tubes!