Back to the original OP over a decade ago.
Well, they sure respond well sonically to different vintage -and- modern input tube changes. Interconnect changes too for that matter. Nice.
After rotating my vintage input/driver 12xxx tubes (RCA, Sylvania, Tungsram, Mullard "Blackburn", loaner Brimar, CIFT, and others... did some experimentation, re-issues, and now some new stuff for grins.
Tried recent 2020 version of the PSVANE 12AU7-T "Treasure" MKII input tubes and quite surprised at the results. With some burn in, nice midrange, even wider sound stage, retained detail without being edgy, added fullness. Tone and texture coming through more than anticipated. Another option for those wanting to tuck away the rare vintage tubes and simply listen. Nice sounding, actually.