Preamp suggestion for Quicksilver M120 amps

looking for a good pre to pair it with Quicksilver M120 mono amps  (KT150).
Appreciate your suggestions!
Been running a Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe with my KT150 QS Mono120s going on three years now with great results. Enjoy the music
Thank you gentlemen!  Audible Illusions M3, there quite a few variations, what is your take on it? MC phono, is it descent?
Anyone has an experience from Audio Note Kits preamps?  Simple circuit, high quality parts, reasonable pricing, sounds interesting. Opinions appreciated.
What pre are you playing it with now? Assuming you are, what side of the fence is it on sonically? Then there is a point of reference. Line stage only ? Price range? I've heard that Lamm LL all tube pre...very nice. I like the CJ Premier 16 as well. The Quickie line could be a pleasant surprise don't discount it because it's inexpensive.