So, the first amp is the lovely STA200, outputting 80wpc, and I've got it pushing a 4ohm nominal, down to 3.1 load. The amp does fine at modest volumes. I've been posting about this, from a variety of angles, for the past several weeks. It's a struggle because the amp's sonics are about as good as I would expect to do, for under maybe $3000.00 I could be mistaken and I'm eager to hear some suggestions, but I can't go the direction of tubes in this very hot climate, so we are talking ss or class D suggestions.
Back to the Nuforce: it is not recommended to run this amp on 4ohm speakers, but when I bought my Tekton's I was told the speakers run so easily it shouldn't be a problem.
I am understanding that class D 300 wpc will run quite a bit differently, owing to crazy high efficiency, compared to SS in the Nuforce.
1 watt into an 80% efficient amp would seem to yield 1/5 watt in heat?
So, the first amp is the lovely STA200, outputting 80wpc, and I've got it pushing a 4ohm nominal, down to 3.1 load. The amp does fine at modest volumes. I've been posting about this, from a variety of angles, for the past several weeks. It's a struggle because the amp's sonics are about as good as I would expect to do, for under maybe $3000.00 I could be mistaken and I'm eager to hear some suggestions, but I can't go the direction of tubes in this very hot climate, so we are talking ss or class D suggestions.
Back to the Nuforce: it is not recommended to run this amp on 4ohm speakers, but when I bought my Tekton's I was told the speakers run so easily it shouldn't be a problem.
I am understanding that class D 300 wpc will run quite a bit differently, owing to crazy high efficiency, compared to SS in the Nuforce.
1 watt into an 80% efficient amp would seem to yield 1/5 watt in heat?