New TT for ~$1500

My birthday is coming up and I will be asking for a *new* TT. Budget is up to $1500, but preferably closer to $1k. I would be comfortable pitching in another few hundred $$$ for a good cartridge if I get a table without one. Was thinking:
Rega P3, maybe P6 if I really stretch the budget (that'd be over my $1500 mark)

MoFi StudioDeck
Clearaudio Concept (I have a lead on a lightly used one with low hours, bundled with an Artist V2 cart, but might make gift giving awk)

Pro-Ject X2 w/ Sumiko Moonstone

Any thoughts?

At one point in my journey I went from a Linn LP12 w/ Keith Monks TA and Sonus Blue label to a Techics SP12 in the rubber plinth they made for it, paired with Audio Technica's best arm and cartridge (Signet TK9MLa or something).  I was totally disappointed in the flat, mechanical sound, and within a year had a SOTA Sapphire w/ Sumiko FT3 arm and Dynavector Ruby Karat...aahhh that's more like it!  Never DD again.  I next movet to a Well Tempered TT/TA and that's what I still have...30+ years later, with no regrets.  There is this:
This is no doubt better than what I have, and it's price, while above your stated budget, seems worth the stretch for what could well prove to be your last turntable buy...think of further "upgrading"!
Don't know enough to suggest a cartridge, but options abound.  I use a vintage Grace F9 Ruby with great pleasure.
My comments are based on my ownership of the Clearaudio Emotion, which by all accounts is basically the same as the Marantz TT-15S1 with a different plinth and feet.  Some things to consider.  There's no dust cover.  That may or may not be an issue.  There are aftermarket ones, but they are basically a big acrylic box and will add another $200 - $300 to the cost.  The Virtuoso cartridge is very good for a MM.  Clearaudio's cantilevers stick way out in front of the cartridge body and are easy to snap off (ask me how I know).  The motor on my Emotion had a tendency to wobble around and was hard to position so that it didn't touch the plinth.  There is a second (optional) ground wire on the bottom of the platter, that is kind of a PIA to get connected and keep in place.  I ended up taping mine to the bottom of the platter to keep it from coming loose.  A replacement belt is $50.  The anti-skate control is a screw on the back of the tonearm assembly and a little fiddly.  These come up on the used market quite often and you can typically find them at a little over 50% of retail.  Not trying to talk you out of it, but some things to consider.  It's a nice table and has a good tonearm for the price and is attractive.
Techics SP12 in the rubber plinth they made for it... I was totally disappointed in the flat, mechanical sound ...

Not sure why you mentioned this very old (SP12) entry level cheap model of Technics here ? This is probably a $100 turntable.

And what is a rubber plinth ?
Even in the 70’s their top model plinth was Obsidian, not rubber.

The best vintage technics is SP-10 mkII and SP-10 mk III.

BUT We’re talking about brand NEW Technics with completely different next generation modern DD motors, they are the best DD motors available today. You will find more about Technics reference class DD motor here.

The affordable version is SL1200GR for $1700 or SL1200G for $4000
Interesting takes everyone. You guys are starting to make me look more seriously at a Technics. Either they have the best, most subversive marketing department ever (better than even MoFi) or Technics is the real deal. I lean toward the latter.

I’ve also added the Marantz and VPI HW-19 to my list for consideration. I am sure any of these three would be a HUGE step up for me sonically.
Anyone have reasonable (<$500) cartridge recs for the Technics or VPI tables? I’d get the Marantz with the Virtuoso as it is such a screaming deal.
Matsushita Electric Industrial , now Panasonic, has more than 100 years of history. Technics is a part of Matsushita. It was and still is a huge company. This is the real deal.

Long time ago people raved about Technics MM cartridges like this one, this model still goes for over $1k

I’m currently putting together technics system for a friend with EPA-100 tonearm and SP-20 direct drive in obsidian sh10B3 plinth. This is 100% vintage system. Here is my ex SP-10 mkII with EPA -100 and same cartridge.

Here is a long thread about Technics NEW turntables.

MM cartridges with mid compliance is what you need for Technics tonearms if you will ever buy Technics SL1200GR (or related Technics DD). Without breaking the bank this is one of the best under $450 (compliance 15cu at 10Hz, stylus type is Stereohedron and magnet is Samarium Cobalt, can be used for more than 1000 hours, this is LineContact type of the stylus). Find NOS and be happy. Expert Stylus Co in UK specialized in Pickering/Stanton service. NOS styli still available for this model if you’re lucky. Ask if you need help.