Interested in hearing about tube rolling experiences with the Orchid and other MHDT dacs, namely, the specific comparative sonic characteristics of the various 396a, 5670 and other compatible tubes used in the output buffer. My only experience is with the WE396a that Linear Tube Audio installed in my new Orchid.

Better yet, grannyring's buddy just posted on the Orchid vs Amber thread - user name  rx8man ; you can get a view directly from him
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Does anyone know what screwdriver/Allen wrench I need to remove the top cover? The manual says torx/T8X50? Cant seem to find that. 
I just used an Allen wrench.  I don't know which one it was.  It was the one that fit.
Not many sets of Torx go down to the t8 size, most stop at t10.
Fortunately I had a more complete engineering set that went to t8.
I know you can buy the t8 torx  on eBay if you cannot find a set with one in it.