New TT for ~$1500

My birthday is coming up and I will be asking for a *new* TT. Budget is up to $1500, but preferably closer to $1k. I would be comfortable pitching in another few hundred $$$ for a good cartridge if I get a table without one. Was thinking:
Rega P3, maybe P6 if I really stretch the budget (that'd be over my $1500 mark)

MoFi StudioDeck
Clearaudio Concept (I have a lead on a lightly used one with low hours, bundled with an Artist V2 cart, but might make gift giving awk)

Pro-Ject X2 w/ Sumiko Moonstone

Any thoughts?

I agree, Direct Drive.

Have you considered buying a vintage deck and spinner, use it’s arm, upgrade cartridge? upgrade to a better tonearm in the future?

this one is unusual, deck is wider than normal, with wide removable armboard that allows you to easily change the arm, including up to 350mm long arm. it looks nice, bet the wifey would like it if you do.

My JVC, has similar adjustable feet, but, no ’skirt’ like this Denon does. Denon, you get the adjustability to level the deck, but with a more finished look, I may make a skirt for mine.

I would be tempted to make an offer and buy the 2 year warranty.

the cartridge is crap, plan on a new one.

I don't know about Denon's (I just researched and got a very similar JVC TT81), this seller imply's that spinner is desirable

To keep things less complicated, consider the Technics 1500GR with a Nagaoka MP110/150/200. Obviously, the better the cartridge, the better the sound. These are very musical. Go for it.
IMHO The Rega P3 is the table in the $1000 range, Although I would immediately throw a Dynavector 10X5 on it and some groove tracer the platter and sub platter. Also a good solid platform for more isolation help really make the P3 shine!

Put your money into a great cartridge that mates perfectly with the Rega RB303 tone arm. This combo will provide huge fun factor!

The P6 would be great with the above mentioned upgrades as well.


Try the Hana EL. It is the new Denon 103 and considered to be better. Talking of vintage Technics cartridge, I bought a used EPC-205C MK3 with original stylus (still in good condition) a couple of years ago. This cartridge is very neutral sounding, just what a cartridge is supposed to, but still sounds analog and not flat sounding as my V15 IV-MR. I've read the EPC-100C is better but I haven't heard it.