If you are of the opinion that great speakers make all music sound good then move on to the next post, because the premise here is that speakers for Acoustic Jazz ( Big Band to Post Bop) have different requirements. My jazz audiophile buddies and i hav A/B'd lots of different speaker/amp/turntable/cartridge combinations as a fun hobby for the last 3 years. i've gone through at least 3 whole systems to get where i am now:
I guess I don't have to move on- not yet anyway. I'm not of the opinion.
I happen to know rather than believe. You simply can't, and I mean **can't**, design a speaker or amplifier or preamp or whatever, to favor a particular genre of music. This is arguably the biggest myth about loudspeakers in particular- that they favor certain genres, the classic being JBL L100s are best at rock.
The simple fact is that all musicians make music in the same set of frequencies, and speakers have to get this right. The speakers themselves don't have taste, neither do amplifiers, so they don't know or care what you play through them. What makes a speaker good for jazz also makes it good for classical or death metal. The better you get it to play one genre, the better you get it to play **all** genres.
It really is that simple- and isn't a matter of debate (even though somehow it is, despite this being the 'information' age...). FWIW I'm telling you this as a degreed engineer and designer of audio equipment (we get nice reviews in the high end press); there isn't a class or even a day in engineering school where they reveal how to make anything electronic work particularly well with one genre as opposed to another.