Preamp suggestion for Quicksilver M120 amps

looking for a good pre to pair it with Quicksilver M120 mono amps  (KT150).
Appreciate your suggestions!
I am getting a used LS, should be ready to go for me. Will report back on the sound. I am running JM Labs Utopia Diva Be speakers, 89 dB. 
I am getting a used LS, should be ready to go for me. Will report back on the sound. I am running JM Labs Utopia Diva Be speakers, 89 dB.

Looking at your speakers, efficiency, and knowing the amp/preamp signature in stock and semi-upgraded form, since it's 2nd hand, def worth trying it first and see what tubes and caps are installed now. Thumbs up!  
AgrantthPlease don't forget many tube preamps invert polarity and the Quicksilver  does **invert >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>simply swap the positive / Negative speaker wires at either both channels of the amps or Speakers done!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Normal Polarity is Positive amp to positive at speakers
Normal Polarity is Negative amp to Negative at speakers**Inverted is Positive amp to Negative post at the speaker**inverted is Negative amp to Positive Post at the speaker  Best JohnnyR Quicksilver dealer
Yes, it appears on the QS website, specs show both Linestage and Remote control preamps list "inverted", 180+ degrees polarity on output.  Some interesting feedback on it and what to do or try, fwiw. 

Paul at PS Audio did a quick video on the topic for a write-in question.  The link may get filtered out, but I'll post it here both ways, and with spaces, cut & paste and pull back together, try it.   or  h t t ps: / / y o u / H J K s h r T G P t I