Informative books about Audio

Hello fellow ‘goners!  I recently broke my leg and will be on my back for a few weeks and would like to start reading some informative books related to audio...

Suggestions would be much appreciated!  Thank You very much 😁

Wow. Two guys with the right answer. Did I log onto another site by mistake? No, it says Audiogon at the top. Incredible. Oh wait, I get it now, 132 posts, 430 posts, new people. Still thinking, haven't been driven off by the BS. That must be it. 

Okay. Shock wearing off now. Seriously, read Harley's book. He covers everything. His glossary of audiophile listening terminology alone is worth the money. Mine's the first edition, 1994, and Harley was so far ahead of his time he has chapters and sections devoted to vibration control and how to choose power cords and cables. 

There's chapters on room acoustics and he makes it all very understandable even showing how to calculate room modes by frequency. When I hired the local best consultant to design my listening room I came to check one day and caught the guy doing the exact same calculations for my room as described in the book. They were fired on the spot. The book saved me countless thousands of dollars on just that one thing.
Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms

Floyd Toole
Thank You gentleman!  I’ll order those 2 books this afternoon.  Thars awesome; it will give me something to look forward to, something to do, and more knowledge about our hobby is always welcomed.

LoL, thanks for the chuckle MC; I know what you mean.  10 years ago, Audiogon threads really didn’t have much negativity.  The forum is a great way to have a sense of community in a hobby that is mostly solitary.  
Anywho, off to Amazon!  Thanks again Gentlemen 😁
Jim Smith's Get Better Sound. Unless you are new to audio, I'd advise taking a pass on Robert Harley's book. I seem to be in the minority, but I found almost nothing useful there, and it is hard to separate what is useful from what is just a repetition of audiophile banalities.