Informative books about Audio

Hello fellow ‘goners!  I recently broke my leg and will be on my back for a few weeks and would like to start reading some informative books related to audio...

Suggestions would be much appreciated!  Thank You very much 😁

Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms

Floyd Toole
Thank You gentleman!  I’ll order those 2 books this afternoon.  Thars awesome; it will give me something to look forward to, something to do, and more knowledge about our hobby is always welcomed.

LoL, thanks for the chuckle MC; I know what you mean.  10 years ago, Audiogon threads really didn’t have much negativity.  The forum is a great way to have a sense of community in a hobby that is mostly solitary.  
Anywho, off to Amazon!  Thanks again Gentlemen 😁
Jim Smith's Get Better Sound. Unless you are new to audio, I'd advise taking a pass on Robert Harley's book. I seem to be in the minority, but I found almost nothing useful there, and it is hard to separate what is useful from what is just a repetition of audiophile banalities.
@djones51, I broke my leg riding a bicycle.  Total freak accident.  I’m usually truckin along at 20 mph and 5 feet of the ground.  Had the worst injury of my life last week going 2 mph.  I’m considering hanging it up.  Maybe I’ll take up speaker building and working on my Mini.

Thanks for that tip @mike_in_nc 
I’m not trying to learn what a woofer is vs a tweeter and How to connect speakers in correct polarity, or anything that elementary...