Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
Updating my totally out-of-date post, I sold the Sony XA777ES (using a cheap Sony NS 500V for SACDs only). Just bought a tubed Raysonic CD128 and use an Ack dAck 2.0 with it for those CDs suffering from major "digititus." It's too early for a really informed recommendation, but so far this Raysonic is awesome. Dave
Dopogue: Are you suggesting the Ack dAck 2.0 is more rolled-off in the upper-mids/lower treble (a.k.a. brightness) range? To my mind, that's where digititis makes itself heard. I was under the impression by other posters that the Raysonic was smooth enough to make edgy-sounding CDs at least listenable. I know it may be too soon for you to tell, but when you do have some thoughts on this, please post them here. Thanks!
The Raysonic definitely makes edgy CDs listenable, more so every day. I may reach a point where the Ack dAck becomes "unnecessary" and, yes, it does sound a bit rolled, relative to the Raysonic. One problem is that the DAC has substanially less output at the same gain setting, so A/B switching doesn't do it any favors. Both tubes and cables (especially power cords) have a major effect on the Raysonic's sound, So I don't have its full measure yet. But clearly it's a winner, IMHO. Dave