Question re: DAC with network/streaming capability

Hi all, looking at revamping my digital front end, which comprises Meridian 206 CD player, Linn Majik DS digital streamer plus Oppo UDP-205 BD player.

My goal is to add music server/streamer capabilities while improving overall SQ while replacing Meridian & Linn.

Seriously considering Innuos Zenith mk3 given the rave review AND the facts that it ticks a few boxes: Network streamer, music server, CD ripping, supports for Roon & MQA.


1: While Zenith does offer codec for different formats such as FLAC, AAC, MQA as well as network streaming for Tidal, Qubuz etc, can I simply focus on possibly older DAC/SACD+DAC combo (such as dCS Debussy or Playback Designs MPS-5) as long as it supports PCM and DSD over PCM (DoP), which are the output formats from Zenith?

2: IF I do get one of the newer/top end DAC like dCS Bartok where it DOES support FLAC/AAC. When I play files stored in Zenith, will I be using the Codec from Bartok or Zenith?

3: Being greedy here, IS there any device out there that incorporates the function of SACD transport/DAC/Streamer/Music server in one box while offering comparable SQ as per above combo?
Tx amg56,

Indeed it's interesting to hear that CA X45Pro beating Oppo 205 hands down given that both are sporting the same ESS9038Pro DAC chip.   

Am I right to assume that you considered X45Pro sounds even BETTER than dCS hence your disposal of the dCS DAC's?
If you going the Rip Nas route sell your Majik and try find a linn klimax DS renew for streaming duties, it is a world apart from majik and akkurate. You can pick one up for £1500.
Get a seperate SACD standalone.... Anything (we'll most) items that do everything either compromises or costs a fortune to do well. 

OP - Yes, I found that the expense of the dCS equipment did not translate into better sound. The Oppo 205 was on the market well before the CA X45Pro and I did pipe the audio output via the dCS. Make no mistake, the Oppo is good for what it is.

The electronics used in the CA is more recent with a great OPA627BP precision high-speed opamp for “reference level sound quality" and I believe that this may the reason that the CA sounds better, to our ears. I still have the Oppo but it is relegated primarily to showing movies on the second system.

It may be that my primary system is relatively new also, and way upmarket. The CA sounds much better on this system than my (also upper market) second system. I have used both DAC/Streamers on each system and my lovely wife agreed, the CA was better.

In my opinion, the CA does more, has more audio formats, can rip and save locally or to NAS, streams everything, FM radio and internet radio (of course), is a Roon endpoint and on and on.

It is a bit expensive, but my opinion is worth it. Check this out.