I think there are potential downsides of biwiring. The speaker designer (assuming they are competent) went to great pains to develop a crossover that effectively splits the signal between drivers, assuming the SAME SIGNAL on the inputs to the two parts of the crossover. Anything that might result in a different signal on the two input connections is going to defeat this design effort.
Now, I suppose, if you prefer the sound from two separate connections to the speaker, then that's really all that counts. But if you are asking a theoretical question, I'd stick with a single connection to the speaker unless it was specific engineered to use an active crossover with biamping.
Now, I suppose, if you prefer the sound from two separate connections to the speaker, then that's really all that counts. But if you are asking a theoretical question, I'd stick with a single connection to the speaker unless it was specific engineered to use an active crossover with biamping.